The term “tion” is not used to describe different types of speech disorders, like aphasia Apraxia, and other impairments to speech caused by hearing loss.
A speech-language pathologist can also aid to differentiate between different kinds of lip sounds. The majority of individuals will be able to discern the most popular one. This is known as the interdental/dentalised lisp. This condition is characterized by the production of a ‘th’ sound when the child is trying to create an’s sound. This kind of lisp is a result of the tongue being extended over or getting in contact with front teeth.
A speech-language pathologist is able to play a significant role when it comes to treating lisps. Lisps are also known as functional speech disorders. Speech-language pathologists can treat lisps and often achieves complete elimination. If you suspect that your child may have a Lisp, it’s important you see an SLP promptly. This is because the procedure is most effective when executed early. But, it isn’t to say that if have been waiting too long, the treatment will be ineffective. Also, adults are able to benefit greatly from treatment.
If your child has reached four years of age and they are still displaying symptoms of an interdental/dentalised lisp, you must take them to a speech-language pathologist as soon as possible. If they’re displaying symptoms from a different kind of lisp don’t keep waiting until the age of four. It is imperative to immediately bring your child to an SLP in case you notice any signs. The pathologists provide coaching on pronunciation and pronouncing. A SLP can also help to re-teach the child which words to pronounce and be pronounced. It’s possible for the child to return home, do the same exercises or use games as mirrors. This is why it’s crucial to include a mirror as an element of your child’s bedroom furniture. Other forms of treatment include muscle strengthening for speech. This can be done