The look can be transformed from the typical college room with tape to the wall style, to the home remodeling all-star appearance.
Begin with the tools To use linear LED lighting, it is necessary to have strips of lights (the quantity will differ based on the magnitude of the job you are trying to complete) as well as low voltage wire, a track with a recess as well as a lens, and finally a power supply. These items will be readily available in your neighborhood home improvement store.
Determine the size of the room you’d like the light fixtures to be fixed to. First, measure the area that you wish to connect lighting. Measure the area you want to mount the lens, and the recessed track. Remember that the recessed track and lens must be at exactly the same distance from the wall at all times. You can use a ruler check the distance, or employ a level for ensuring your line is straight. In this area, you can find an area on the wall that you can conceal the power source but leave it accessible for when it is time to connect the lights.
Please see the attached video for further information about linear LED lights.